2022-23 Energy Engineering
Engineering Student Services
230 Bechtel Engineering Center # 1702
Berkeley, CA 94720-1702
(510) 642-7594
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Degree worksheets: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
Previous Undergraduate Programs: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021
Course | Fall | Spring |
Freshman Year | ||
CHEM 1A+1AL – General Chemistry, or CHEM 4A – General Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis(1) | 5 | – |
ENGIN 7 – Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers, or COMPSCI 61A – Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | – | 4 |
MATH 1A – Calculus | 4 | – |
MATH 1B – Calculus | – | 4 |
PHYSICS 7A – Physics for Scientists and Engineers | – | 4 |
ENGIN 93 – Energy Engineering Seminar | 1 | – |
Reading & Composition Part A Course(2) | 4 | – |
Reading & Composition Part B Course(2) | – | 4 |
Humanities/Social Sciences Course(2) | 3-4 | – |
Total | 17-18 | 16 |
Sophomore Year | ||
CIVENG 100 – Elementary Fluid Mechanics, or MECENG 106 – Fluid Mechanics | – | 3-4 |
ENE,RES C100 or W100 – Energy and Society (Humanities/Social Sciences Course)(2, 4) | 4 | – |
Engineering Prep Courses 1 and 2(5) | 3-6 | 3-4 |
MATH 53 – Multivariable Calculus | 4 | – |
MATH 54 – Linear Algebra and Differential Equations | – | 4 |
PHYSICS 7B – Physics for Scientists and Engineers | 4 | – |
MECENG 40 – Thermodynamics or ENGIN 40 – Engineering Thermodynamics | – | 3-4 |
Total | 15-18 | 13-16 |
Junior Year | ||
Economics Course(6) | 3-4 | – |
ELENG 137A – Introduction to Electric Power Systems | 4 | – |
ELENG 137B – Introduction to Electric Power Systems, or ELENG 113 – Power Electronics | – | 4 |
MECENG 109 – Heat Transfer | 3 | – |
Engineering Electives(7) | 3-4 | 6-8 |
Humanities/Social Sciences Course(2) | – | 3-4 |
Total | 13-15 | 13-16 |
Senior Year | ||
CIVENG 186 – Design of Cyber-Physical Systems | 3 | – |
Engineering Elective(7) | 3-4 | – |
ENGIN 194 – Research Capstone Course(8) | – | 3 |
ELENG 134 – Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Devices | – | 4 |
Sustainability Course(9) | – | 3-4 |
Math/Stat/Analysis Course(10), CIVENG 191, or EECS 127 | 3-4 | – |
Humanities/Social Sciences Courses(2) | 3-4 | 3-4 |
Free Electives(3) | 4 | 4 |
Total | 16-19 | 17-19 |
* A minimum of 120 units is required for graduation.
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this major, electives may be approved throughout the year.
1CHEM 4A is intended for students majoring in chemistry or a closely related field.
2The Humanities/Social Sciences (H/SS) requirement includes two approved Reading & Composition (R&C) courses and four additional approved courses, with which a number of specific conditions must be satisfied. R&C courses must be taken for a letter grade (C- or better required). The first half (R&C Part A) must be completed by the end of the freshman year; the second half (R&C Part B) must be completed by no later than the end of the sophomore year. The remaining courses may be taken at any time during the program. See coesandbox.berkeley.edu/hss for complete details and a list of approved courses.
3Free electives can be any technical or non-technical course, any course of your interest offered by any department; there are no restrictions. Free electives may be necessary in order to obtain the minimum 120 units for graduation.
4ENE,RES C100 satisfies both a major requirement and one of the upper division Humanities/Social Sciences requirements. ENE,RES C100 must be taken for a letter grade.
5Engineering prep. Choose two from CHEM 1B, 3A; CIVENG 11, 70; COMPSCI 61B, COMPSCI C8 + connector (course number 88); EECS 16A, 16B; MATSCI 45+45L; MECENG C85, 104; PHYSICS 7C. Students interested in the areas of data, distribution, generation, or materials are advised to choose the following courses for engineering prep:
- Data: COMPSCI/DATA/INFO/STAT C8 + connector (course number 88) and 61B
- Distribution: EECS 16A and 16B
- Generation: MECENG C85 and 104
- Materials: MATSCI 45+45L and PHYSICS 7C
6Economics course. Choose one from the following lists: ENE,RES 180; ENGIN 120 or INDENG 120; ENVECON 147, C151, 153, 154; ESPM 102D; POLECON 101, or an economics course chosen in consultation with faculty adviser. Some of these courses can satisfy both the economics requirement and one of the upper division Humanities/Social Sciences requirements. The Economics course must be taken for a letter grade.
7Students are required to take four engineering electives of at least 3 units each. Engineering electives include upper division courses in any engineering department and must be chosen in consultation with a faculty adviser. The only course not offered by an engineering department that can count toward this requirement is ENE,RES 131. Courses used to satisfy other major requirements cannot also fulfill the engineering elective requirement. Engineering electives cannot include any courses taken on a P/NP basis; BIOENG 100; DESINV courses (except 190E); ENGIN 125, 157AC, 180, 183 series, 185, 187, 195 series; INDENG 172, 185, 186, 190 series, 191, 192, 195; MECENG 190K, 191AC, 191K. Students interested in data, distribution, generation or materials are advised to choose from the following courses as their engineering electives:
- Data: COMPSCI 180 series courses; STAT 133, 135 (exception approved for these two statistics courses)
- Distribution: COMPSCI 61B (exception approved for this lower division course); ELENG 105, 113, 117, 120, C128/MECENG C134; MECENG 132
- Generation: BIOENG C181; MECENG 130, 140, 146; NUCENG 161
- Materials: MATSCI 103, 111, 113, 125, 136
8Research capstone course: Original research with approved faculty member.
9Sustainability course. Choose one from the following list: CIVENG 110, 111, 113, 115; CYPLAN 119; ENE,RES 101. CYPLAN 119 may also fulfill one of the upper division Humanities/Social Sciences requirements. The Sustainability course must be taken for a letter grade.
10Math/Stat/Analysis course. Choose one from the following list: CIVENG 93, COMPSCI 70, ENGIN 117, INDENG 172, MATH 55, or STAT 134. Students interested in data are advised to take CIVENG 191, INDENG 172, or STAT 134.
Course | Fall | Spring |
1st and 2nd Semesters | ||
ENGIN 7 – Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers, or COMPSCI 61A – Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs(1) | 4 | – |
MECENG 40 – Thermodynamics, or ENGIN 40 – Engineering Thermodynamics | – | 3-4 |
Engineering Prep Course(2) | 3-4 | – |
CIVENG 100 – Elementary Fluid Mechanics, or MECENG 106 – Fluid Mechanics | – | 3-4 |
Math/Stat/Analysis Course(3), CIVENG 191, or EECS 127 | – | 3-4 |
ENE,RES C100 or W100 – Energy and Society (Humanities/Sciences Course)(4, 5) | 4 | – |
Economics Course(6) | – | 3-4 |
Humanities/Social Sciences Course(4) | 3-4 | |
Total | 14-16 | 12-16 |
3rd and 4th Semesters | ||
ELENG 137A – Introduction to Electric Power Systems | 4 | – |
ELENG 137B – Introduction to Electric Power Systems, or ELENG 113 – Power Electronics | – | 4 |
ELENG 134 – Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Devices | – | 4 |
MECENG 109 – Heat Transfer | 3 | – |
ENGIN 194 – Research Capstone Course(7) | – | 3 |
Engineering Electives(8) | 3-4 | 3-4 |
Humanities/Social Sciences Course(4) | 3-4 | |
Total | 13-15 | 14-15 |
5th Semester** | ||
CIVENG 186 – Design of Cyber-Physical Systems | 3 | |
Sustainability Course(9) | 3-4 | |
Engineering Electives(8) | 6-8 | |
Humanities/Social Sciences Course(4) | 3-4 | |
Total | 15-19 |
* A minimum of 120 units is required for graduation.
**Transfer students who would like to enroll for a fifth semester must contact their ESS Adviser to change their degree term..
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this major, electives may be approved throughout the year.
1Junior transfer admits may fulfill this requirement with a course equivalent to COMPSCI 61B if completed prior to transfer. COMPSCI 61B may be used to fulfill only one requirement.
2Engineering prep. Choose two from CHEM 1B, 3A; CIVENG 11, 70; COMPSCI 61B, COMPSCI C8 + connector (course number 88); EECS 16A, 16B; MATSCI 45+45L; MECENG C85, 104; PHYSICS 7C. Students interested in the areas of data, distribution, generation, or materials are advised to choose the following courses for engineering prep:
- Data: COMPSCI/DATA/INFO/STAT C8 + connector (course number 88) and 61B
- Distribution: EECS 16A and 16B
- Generation: MECENG C85 and 104
- Materials: MATSCI 45+45L and PHYSICS 7C
3Math/Stat/Analysis course. Choose one from the following list: CIVENG 93, COMPSCI 70, ENGIN 117, INDENG 172, MATH 55, or STAT 134. Students interested in data are advised to take CIVENG 191, INDENG 172, or STAT 134.
4The Humanities/Social Science (H/SS) requirement includes two approved Reading & Composition courses and four additional approved courses, with which a number of specific conditions must be satisfied. Reading & Composition parts A and B must be completed by no later than the end of the sophomore year. The remaining courses may be taken at any time during the program. See coesandbox.berkeley.edu/hss for complete details and a list of approved courses.
5ENE,RES C100 satisfies both a major requirement and one of the upper division Humanities/Social Sciences requirements. ENE,RES C100 must be taken for a letter grade.
6Economics course. Choose one from the following lists: ENE,RES C180; ENGIN 120 or INDENG 120; ENVECON 147, C151, 153, 154; ESPM 102D; POLECON 101, or an economics course chosen in consultation with faculty adviser. Some of these courses can satisfy both the economics requirement and one of the upper division H/SS requirements. The Economics course must be taken for a letter grade.
7Research capstone course: Original research with approved faculty member.
8Students are required to take four engineering electives of at least 3 units each. Engineering electives are upper division courses in any engineering department and must be chosen in consultation with a faculty adviser. The only course not offered by an engineering department that can count toward this requirement is ENE,RES 131. Courses used to satisfy other major requirements cannot also fulfill the engineering elective requirement. Engineering electives cannot include any courses taken on a P/NP basis; BIOENG 100; DESINV courses (except 190E); ENGIN 125, 157AC, 180, 183 series, 185, 187, 195 series; INDENG 172, 185, 186, 190 series, 191, 192, 195; MECENG 190K, 191AC, 191K. Students interested in data, distribution, generation, or materials are advised to choose from the following courses as their engineering electives:
- Data: COMPSCI 180 series courses; STAT 133, 135 (exception approved for these two statistics courses)
- Distribution: COMPSCI 61B (exception approved for this lower division course); ELENG 105, 113, 117, 120, C128/MECENG C134; MECENG 132
- Generation: BIOENG C181; MECENG 130, 140, 146; NUCENG 161
- Materials: MATSCI 103, 111, 113, 125, 136
9Sustainability course. Choose one from the following list: CIVENG 110, 111, 113, 115; CYPLAN 119; ENE,RES 101. CYPLAN 119 may also fulfill one of the upper division H/SS requirements. The Sustainability course must be taken for a letter grade.
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