Rejuvenating America’s Infrastructures
Smart, connected communities
The consensus is clear: We must renew our infrastructures, both urban and rural, to meet the changing challenges of our society. New technologies, from the Internet of Things and machine learning to intelligent systems, offer great potential for making our transportation, energy, water and other infrastructures more responsive and resilient. Embedding the cyber into physical infrastructures also calls for the design of market incentives. Such a design methodology, known as Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), has been key to launching new industry sectors in today’s ‘sharing economy.’ Berkeley Engineering is playing a lead role in this national agenda – bringing innovative technologies to critical infrastructures while protecting privacy, inclusivity and social justice.
Dean’s Society
Spring 2017 event
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Menlo Circus Club, Atherton
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
6:00 p.m. Refreshments & Registration
6:30 p.m. Panel Presentation & Audience Q&A
7:30 p.m. Reception and Research Poster Session
Location: Menlo Circus Club, 190 Park Lane, Atherton
Complimentary admission for you and a guest.
As space is limited, please respond by April 4, 2017.
Register online, or by telephone at (510) 642-2487.
Map and directions will be sent upon registration.