2019-20 Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Student Services
230 Bechtel Engineering Center # 1702
Berkeley, CA 94720-1702
(510) 642-7594
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
141 Etcheverry Hall #1740
(510) 642-1338
Degree worksheets: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019
Previous Undergraduate Programs: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018
Course | Fall | Spring |
Freshman Year | ||
CHEM 1A+1AL – General Chemistry, or CHEM 4A – General Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis(1) |
ENGIN 7 – Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers(2) |
ENGIN 25 – Visualization for Design |
MATH 1A – Calculus |
MATH 1B – Calculus |
PHYSICS 7A – Physics for Scientists and Engineers |
Reading & Composition Part A Course(3) |
Reading & Composition Part B Course(3) |
Total |
Sophomore Year | ||
ENGIN 26 – Three-Dimensional Modeling for Design |
ENGIN 27 – Introduction to Manufacturing and Tolerancing |
MATH 53 – Multivariable Calculus |
MATH 54 – Linear Algebra and Differential Equations |
MECENG 40 – Thermodynamics |
MECENG C85 – Introduction to Solid Mechanics |
PHYSICS 7B – Physics for Scientists and Engineers |
Humanities/Social Sciences Courses(3) |
Total |
Junior Year | ||
MECENG 100 – Electronics for the Internet of Things |
MECENG 104 – Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) |
MECENG 106 – Fluid Mechanics |
MECENG 108 – Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials |
MECENG 109 – Heat Transfer |
MECENG 132 – Dynamic Systems and Feedback |
Humanities/Social Sciences Courses(3) |
Free Electives(5) |
Total |
Senior Year | ||
MECENG 103 – Experimentation and Measurements |
MECENG 102B – Mechatronics Design |
Technical Electives(4) |
Free Electives(5) |
Total |
*A minimum of 120 units is required for graduation.
1CHEM 4A is for students intending a major in chemistry or chemical engineering.
2If the prerequisites are met, students may take ENGIN 7 in fall.
3The Humanities/Social Sciences (H/SS) requirement includes two approved Reading & Composition (R&C) courses and four additional approved courses, with which a number of specific conditions must be satisfied. R&C courses must be taken for a letter grade (C- or better required). The first half (R&C Part A) must be completed by the end of the freshman year; the second half (R&C Part B) must be completed by no later than the end of the sophomore year. The remaining courses may be taken at any time during the program. See coesandbox.berkeley.edu/hss for complete details and a list of approved courses.
4Technical electives: 15 units of technical electives are required and must be chosen from the approved technical elective list. At least 12 of the 15 units must be upper division. At least 9 of the 12 upper division units must be from MECENG-sponsored courses.
Of the 9 units of MECENG-sponsored upper division technical electives, at least one course must be a design course selected from the following list:
- ENGIN 128* – Advanced Engineering Design Graphics
- MECENG 101 – High Mix/Low Volume Manufacturing
- MECENG 110 – Introduction to Product Development
- MECENG C117 – Structural Aspects of Biomaterials
- MECENG 119 – Introduction to MEMS
- MECENG 130 – Design of Planar Machinery
- MECENG 135 – Design of Microprocessor-Based Mechanical Systems
- MECENG 146 – Energy Conversion Principles
- MECENG 165 – Ocean-Environment Mechanics
- MECENG C176 – Orthopedic Biomechanics
- MECENG C178 – Designing for the Human Body
Additionally, one of the upper division technical elective courses must be taken from the ME-sponsored quantitative science courses below, or from the expanded quantitative science list. Note that only the quantitative science courses listed below will count toward the 9 units of ME-sponsored upper division courses.
- ENGIN 117* – Methods of Engineering Analysis
- ENGIN 150* – Basic Modeling and Simulation Tools for Industrial Research Applications
- ENGIN 177* – Advanced Programming with MATLAB
- MECENG 120 – Computational Biomechanics Across Multiple Scales
- MECENG 136 – Introduction to Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- MECENG C180 – Engineering Analysis Using the Finite Element Method
*Although these courses are ENGIN courses, they will count toward the 9 units of upper division MECENG-sponsored courses.
Any upper division course taught by mechanical engineering faculty may be used as part of the 9 units of upper division MECENG-sponsored courses, including ENGIN 117, ENGIN 128, ENGIN 150, and ENGIN 177. In addition, Students may receive up to three units of upper division MECENG-sponsored technical elective credit for work on a research project in either MECENG 196 (Undergraduate Research) or MECENG H194 (Honors Undergraduate Research-restrictions apply).
Up to three technical elective units can be lower division and can be chosen from any of the following lower division courses: ASTRON 7A, 7B; BIOENG 10; BIOLOGY 1A+1AL, 1B; CHEM 1B, 3A, 3B, 4B; CIVENG 11, 60, 70, 93; COMPSCI C8, 61A, 61B, 61C, 70; DESINV 15, 22 (if taken Fall 2017 or earlier), 90E; EPS 50; ELENG 16B; ENGIN 11; INTEGBI C32; MATH 55; MATSCI 45; MCELLBI 32; PHYSICS 7C; STAT 20, 21.
Technical electives cannot include any course taken on a P/NP basis; courses numbered 24, 39, 84, 88; BIOENG 100; CHMENG 185; COMPSCI C79, 195, H195; DESINV courses (except DESINV 15, 90E, 190E); ENGIN 125, 157AC, 180, 185, 187; INDENG 95, 171 (if taken after Fall 2014), 185, 186, 190 series, 191, 192, 195; MECENG 191AC, 190K, 191K. Note: DESINV 22 will count as a technical elective if taken Fall 2017 or earlier.
5Free electives can be any technical or non-technical course. A course of your interest offered by any department at UC Berkeley; there are no restrictions.
Course | Fall | Spring |
1st and 2nd Semesters | ||
ENGIN 7 – Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers |
ENGIN 25 – Visualization for Design |
ENGIN 27 – Introduction to Manufacturing and Tolerancing | – | 2 |
MECENG C85 – Introduction to Solid Mechanics |
MECENG 40 – Thermodynamics |
MECENG 100 – Electronics for the Internet of Things |
Humanities/Social Sciences Courses(1) |
Total |
3rd and 4th Semesters | ||
MECENG 104 – Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) |
MECENG 106 – Fluid Mechanics |
MECENG 108 – Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials |
MECENG 109 – Heat Transfer |
MECENG 132 – Dynamic Systems and Feedback |
Technical Electives(2) |
Humanities/Social Sciences Courses(1) |
Total |
5th Semester** | ||
MECENG 102B – Mechatronics Design |
MECENG 103 – Experimentation and Measurements |
Technical Electives(2) |
Total |
*A minimum of 120 units is required for graduation.
**A fifth semester is granted to transfer student admits who are missing at least three lower division technical courses, of at least 3 units each, for the Mechanical Engineering major when they matriculate to UC Berkeley. Eligible transfer students must contact their ESS Adviser in order to request the fifth semester.
1The Humanities/Social Science (H/SS) requirement includes two approved Reading & Composition courses and four additional approved courses, with which a number of specific conditions must be satisfied. Reading & Composition parts A and B must be completed by no later than the end of the sophomore year. The remaining courses may be taken at any time during the program. See coesandbox.berkeley.edu/hss for complete details and a list of approved courses.
2Technical electives: 15 units of technical electives are required and must be chosen from the approved technical elective list. At least 12 of the 15 units must be upper division. At least 9 of the 12 upper division units must be from MECENG-sponsored courses.
Of the 9 units of MECENG-sponsored upper division technical electives, at least one course must be a design course selected from the following list:
- ENGIN 128* – Advanced Engineering Design Graphics
- MECENG 101 – High Mix/Low Volume Manufacturing
- MECENG 110 – Introduction to Product Development
- MECENG C117 – Structural Aspects of Biomaterials
- MECENG 119 – Introduction to MEMS
- MECENG 130 – Design of Planar Machinery
- MECENG 135 – Design of Microprocessor-Based Mechanical Systems
- MECENG 146 – Energy Conversion Principles
- MECENG 165 – Ocean-Environment Mechanics
- MECENG C176 – Orthopedic Biomechanics
- MECENG C178 – Designing for the Human Body
Additionally, one of the upper division technical elective courses must be taken from the ME-sponsored quantitative science courses below, or from the expanded quantitative science list. Note that only the quantitative science courses listed below will count toward the 9 units of ME-sponsored upper division courses.
- ENGIN 117* – Methods of Engineering Analysis
- ENGIN 150* – Basic Modeling and Simulation Tools for Industrial Research Applications
- ENGIN 177* – Advanced Programming with MATLAB
- MECENG 120 – Computational Biomechanics Across Multiple Scales
- MECENG 136 – Introduction to Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- MECENG C180 – Engineering Analysis Using the Finite Element Method
*Although these courses are ENGIN courses, they will count toward the 9 units of upper division MECENG-sponsored courses.
Any upper division course taught by mechanical engineering faculty may be used as part of the 9 units of upper division ME-sponsored courses, including ENGIN 117, ENGIN 128, ENGIN 150, and ENGIN 177. In addition, Students may receive up to three units of upper division MECENG-sponsored technical elective credit for work on a research project in either MECENG 196 (Undergraduate Research) or MECENG H194 (Honors Undergraduate Research-restrictions apply).
Up to three technical elective units can be lower division and can be chosen from any of the following lower division courses: ASTRON 7A, 7B; BIOENG 10; BIOLOGY 1A+1AL, 1B; CHEM 1B, 3A, 3B, 4B; CIVENG 11, 60, 70, 93; COMPSCI C8, 61A, 61B, 61C, 70; DESINV 15, 22 (if taken Fall 2017 or earlier), 90E; EPS 50; ELENG 16B; ENGIN 11; INTEGBI C32; MATH 55; MATSCI 45; MCELLBI 32; PHYSICS 7C; STAT 20, 21.
Technical electives cannot include any course taken on a P/NP basis; courses numbered 24, 39, 84, 88; BIOENG 100; CHMENG 185; COMPSCI C79, 195, H195; DESINV courses (except DESINV 15, 90E, 190E); ENGIN 125, 157AC, 180, 185, 187; INDENG 95, 171 (if taken after Fall 2014), 185, 186, 190 series, 191, 192, 195; MECENG 191AC, 190K, 191K. Note: DESINV 22 will count as a technical elective if taken Fall 2017 or earlier.