03/05/24 — MIT Technology Review: Berkeley researchers' AI-trained surgical robot was able to sew six stitches on its own — and has lessons for robotics as a whole
02/21/24 — Researchers advance their understanding of metallic materials with potential applications in airplane turbines, nuclear reactors, equipment for space exploration
02/06/24 — The election of Arpad Horvath, Ravi Prasher and Ion Stoica to the National Academy of Engineering brings the number of engineering faculty members in the NAE to 75
01/22/24 — Berkeley Lab: New 3D-printable material could enable cheaper manufacturing processes for next-gen OLED televisions, smartphones, light fixtures and wearable devices
12/19/23 — CITRIS: Bayen will provide strategic direction to advance a research, entrepreneurship and outreach agenda that aligns with CITRIS’s mission